Title; Mould; which type of bread goes mouldy first?
Aim; To determine which type of bread goes mouldy first; white bread or multigrain bread.
Hypothesis; The multigrain bread will go mouldy first because it doesn’t have as many preservatives
Equipment; 1 piece of white bread and 1 piece of multigrain bread, plastic food bag to put bread in.
Method; 1. Buy 2 different types of bread, multigrain and white bread. 2. Take a piece of each bread and put them both in a plastic food back and seal it so an average amount of air is trapped inside. 3. Put the bread in a well aired room which gets occasional sun. 4. Check the bread each day and record each time you see a noticeable change. 5. When one piece of bread has
gotten mouldy record results and write scientific report.
Results; Day 1; No noticeable change in either pieces of bread.
Day 2; No noticeable change in either pieces of bread.
Day 3; Starting to see a change in the multigrain bread but no change in the white bread.
Day 4; Both pieces of bread have gone mouldy but the multigrain bread has gotten noticeably mouldier than the white bread.
Conclusion; The results of this experiment have supported my hypothesis showing that the multigrain bread goes mouldy before the white bread.
Bibliography; Practical experience only.
Date Description
8/3/13 We were given our IRP today. It is due in week 9. I need to design an experiment and write a report.
12/3/13 Today we learned how to set out our report.
15/3/13 Today I bought two different kinds of bread, multigrain and white, and put them both in one plastic food bag and put it in a well aired room with a sunny aspect.
16/3/13 Today I checked the bread to see any changes but there were no noticeable changes.
19/3/13 Today I check both pieces of bread again to find that the
21/3/13 Today I wrote my scientific report.