Deadly, Unna? is one year in the life of fourteen year-old Gary ‘Blacky’ Black. Like most boys his age,…
The stories in Chapters eight and nine not only provide a more concrete look into Chris’ sanity, but also allow us to more deeply understand his person and his purpose. In Chapters eight and nine when are introduced to the stories of Gene Rosellini, John Waterman, Carl McCunn, and Everett Ruess. Each man had a different story however obviously the same skeletal structure. Gene had began his journey into the wild as an experiment “in knowing if it was possible to be independent of modern technology” and revert to primitive lifestyles (Krakauer 74). Previously being a 4.0 GPA student and a star athlete, Gene eventually became overcome by his soon-to-be failed hypothesis “convinced that humans had devolved into progressively inferior beings” (Krakauer…
Chapter 10 describes a behind the scenes war between the people of the United states that is not often mentioned or spoken about. The problems the nation had besides the actual Civil War. The Anti Rent movement and Dorr’s Rebellion…
Throughout all the chapters within five through ten one stood out the most to me and this chapter was chapter eight. Within this chapter is a lot of information but I felt like chapter eight had the most meaning because there is a document set within that has so many different voices on different aspects of life and culture within the new republic. From women rights to education and even the average farmers thoughts on this new republic. Within Chapter eight P3-5 was a woman's perspective on backcountry America.…
Red, White, and Black, Chapter 5, by Gary B. Nash talks about many different wars, rebellions, and colonization's that go on with the coastal societies in the 1600s. I learned that in Metacom’s war “some of the coastal tribes were prepared to risk extinction rather than become a colonized and culturally imperialized people”(Nash 110). This interested me by the way they stood up for what they wanted and would not give up even if it costed their…
Chapter 2 of The New Jim Crow focuses on how the system of mass incarceration works. Alexander concentrates on the "War on Drugs," because "convictions for drug offenses are the single most important cause of the explosion in incarceration rates in the United States." Early on, she exposes myths, noting that the war is not "aimed at ridding the nation of drug 'kingpins' or big-time drug dealers," and the drug war is not "principally concerned with dangerous drugs" (60).…
In this chapter it tells a story about slavery before and after the Civil War. It explains the United States provision of slavery and how some people were misled on who ended slavery, how it was Abraham Lincoln and not John brown who was hung later in 1859 for his crimes. It later goes into graphic detail of how slaves were kept into slavery by whipping and separating families. It sort of reminds of the movie 12 years a slave I would recommend it. It’s sad but true story of how black people were treated back then.…
In my opinion, Obasan Ayako did the right thing -- she remained quiet whenever somebody asked her something that she didn’t feel comfortable answering. So yes, she is correct to keep silent. Throughout the novel, there were many people who relied on Obasan for the answers to their questions since she is elderly, has wisdom and experience due to how long she has lived for.…
The family is introduced in the second part. It is an all-female family, consisting of three generations: grandmother, mother, and daughter. Grandmother is a "Queen", mother is "Swift Knight, Fearless Warrior", who wants to be a "Princess" instead. The speaker herself is conflicted by her role in the family. Because she cannot decide, she becomes a "Scribe": a translator,…
The book, Zeitoun, by Dave Eggers, correlates a strong connection to me, because of the struggles and experiences Zeitoun faces after the destruction of hurricane Katrina. This book, dives into many different aspects of culture, race, religion, and the average citizen, but what makes this book so intriguing, is how people were treated because of those things. It gets us thinking, that America isn’t this perfect society that we think of it to be. And we have so much more things to improve. I personally have some experiences with flaws of the government. It makes me enraged, and yet sad, that our government could act this way, in the time of need. This book takes us through the journey of a Muslim American surviving through hurricane Katrina,…
cousin= any relative or close friend; monarchs often refer to each other as cousin, whether related or not and whether friends or not…
Just because someone is your family member by blood, does not mean you have to have a close relationship with him or her. Your family can be extended from your nuclear family because another person may be very special to you, or makes you feel loved enough that you would consider them a part of your family. Children that lose their mother and father might have someone take care of them that are not blood related. In a situation like this, the child’s real family is not apart of the family that raises them and takes care of them. Family is more of a concept and more about the relationship that the two people share. In a case where parents have died or some other circumstance has arisen where they cannot provide for their child, strangers or friends may assist in raising that child. That would make them the caregivers; they would be the mother and father because they fill that role in the child’s life. Many people may say they have two mothers, this is because they have two people that fill the motherly role in their life and both of those people make them feel loved and appreciated. Another example where your family might not be your real relatives is godmothers or your godfathers. Your godmother or godfather can be anyone that your parents think can and will fill that role best. This may be your blood related uncle or the…
Toys have always played an important role in the growth and development of a child. Many of today's leading toy manufacturers have designed toys for children of specific age groups. This is an advantage to one who is selecting a child's toy. In the past, toys were mainly used to keep a child entertained. In recent years, how ever, more emphasis is being placed upon the use of educational toys. In this society, where children are learning more rapidly that children of the past learned, it is extremely important that one select a toy that can be helpful to a child's educational process. Consequently, toy manufacturers are designing toys that can aid a child in learning to initiate action, to take care of themselves, and to discover and repair breakdowns of the toy.…
"Success is never a destination - it is a journey" (Satenig St. Marie) and there is a company that understands that journey. Kodak has been around for many years providing families around the world with innovative and high quality products. Many homes worldwide recognize and associate film with the Kodak name. "The company ranks as a premier multinational corporation, with a brand recognized in virtually every country around the world" (Kodak History). However, the changes in technology create a dilemma for Kodak. The company's considerations for digital imaging will change its long history with 35mm film production. Will the shift from 35mm to digital imaging affect Kodak's successful journey? To find an answer to this question, we must analyze Kodak from an economic perspective. An economic perspective views many different factors and determines whether it is in Kodak's best interest to pursue digital imaging, will give enough evidence to support a rational decision.…
The amount of food that I intake throughout the day the amount or portions of vitamins and minerals that I intake is not sufficient enough for my weight and height. Furthermore, being an athlete I do intense and vigorous workouts for more than 60 minutes daily. In result, the amount of time that it takes for my body to burn all of them, is much quicker than normal time due to the vigorous activity. The amount of vitamins and minerals that I intake needs to be increased in order for me to gain beneficial and necessary nutrition. I feel like I am slightly exceeding food intake recommendations, I feel this way because of all of the physical activity I participate in. I attempt to eat fairly healthy, but being a busy college student/ athlete it is sometimes difficult to eat healthy due to budget and healthy food availability in the cafeteria.…