The first hate crimes laws were not passed until 1968.” ( calling neo-Nazis and white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville “very fine people” — all while using the power of his administration to protect the legacy of the Confederacy.” (Democratic National Committee) At the time of the Reconstruction, white people who committed serious crimes against many African Americans would go unpunished, giving them all the opportunity to do whatever they wanted and black people had no say in what happened. Just like that, many hate crimes during the Civil Rights movement were tolerated and never accounted for until later on when laws were finally passed and African Americans were finally given the justice they deserved but never received back
The first hate crimes laws were not passed until 1968.” ( calling neo-Nazis and white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville “very fine people” — all while using the power of his administration to protect the legacy of the Confederacy.” (Democratic National Committee) At the time of the Reconstruction, white people who committed serious crimes against many African Americans would go unpunished, giving them all the opportunity to do whatever they wanted and black people had no say in what happened. Just like that, many hate crimes during the Civil Rights movement were tolerated and never accounted for until later on when laws were finally passed and African Americans were finally given the justice they deserved but never received back