Adiga presents to the audience, that Balram has achieved a dream only a White Tiger is willing to strive for. This is prevalent in the text as Balram is able to risk what others wouldn’t ever consider, as they are so caught up in the Rooster Coop fending for their lives. Balram enables himself to commit such acts, as from a young age as he could see what was beautiful in the world and thus “I was not destined to stay a slave”, after Balram recited Iqbal (famous poet). Though Balram’s actions aren’t without the help of his master Ashok, whose weakness was seen as a negative quality exemplified in Pinky Madam’s escape and thus Balram must assume Ashok’s identity in ensuring his own dreams don’t forfeit him.
Balram could achieve the dreams shared by many of the lower caste system, as he was willing to risk what others were not. Balram insisted that he ‘can’t live the rest of his life in a cage’, and was willing to commit murder just so he could see what it felt like ‘not to be a servant’. Balram though perceives this quest to find the light negatively as ‘a man without family is nothing’, and he overcomes this obstacle by focusing on his own success. This is proof in why the system of India protects people from becoming successful as ‘the coop is protected from the inside’. Allowing only a handful of people who ‘have woken, while the rest of you are sleeping’, to obtain freedom from the caste system, as their success can only be obtained from dire actions.
In reciting a poem, Balram was led to believe he ‘was not destined to stay a slave’ as he could ‘see what was beautiful in the world’. This is evidently important in the text as Balram is enabling himself to think differently as opposed to members of the ‘Darkness’. Who are worrying about keeping alive leaving little time to envisage this way, caused by the landlords oppression that’s led them to feed