Surprisingly Caesar assassination made the public masses very angry which Augustus took advantage of and used his adopted named Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus to gained supporters to avenge Caesar. At age nineteen he became consul by pressuring the Senate with his army after liberating the state from a “despotic faction” (Agustus, p. 58). He also rapidly asks Antony and Lepidus to join him to avenge Caesar which worked very much to his advantage and the three of them form the second triumvirate. This arrangement works perfectly for Octavius because he gained the support of two influential and skillful man in warfare and consequently the Senate could not dispose of him easily because of this alliance. However, as soon as Augustus acquires more influence and war glory can he gets rids and humiliates both Antony and Lepidus’s. Augustus used proscription lists to eliminate opposition and usurps many lands from the rich and provincials to settle his war veterans which it is not mention in Res
Surprisingly Caesar assassination made the public masses very angry which Augustus took advantage of and used his adopted named Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus to gained supporters to avenge Caesar. At age nineteen he became consul by pressuring the Senate with his army after liberating the state from a “despotic faction” (Agustus, p. 58). He also rapidly asks Antony and Lepidus to join him to avenge Caesar which worked very much to his advantage and the three of them form the second triumvirate. This arrangement works perfectly for Octavius because he gained the support of two influential and skillful man in warfare and consequently the Senate could not dispose of him easily because of this alliance. However, as soon as Augustus acquires more influence and war glory can he gets rids and humiliates both Antony and Lepidus’s. Augustus used proscription lists to eliminate opposition and usurps many lands from the rich and provincials to settle his war veterans which it is not mention in Res