
Why Did Augustus Beautify The City Of Rome

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Why Did Augustus Beautify The City Of Rome
Augustus was the first Roman emperor to lead Rome’s transformation from republic to empire during the difficult years, following his great-uncle Julius Caesar’s assassination. To win the senate’s and ruling class’ support he passed laws in relation to the traditions of the Roman Republic. He used seized treasure to pay his army. To win over the people of Rome, he worked to improve and beautify the city of Rome. Augustus made many important reforms in the Roman government. During the beginning of his rule, August created a new government structure. This new government included the princeps or chief citizen (Augustus) and the senate, sometimes called the pricinpate. Prior to any decree becoming law, it was screened in advanced by Augustus. The power of a tribune was given to him and with this new power he was able propose laws and veto any item of public business. Although he allowed officials to be elected, Augustus made sure that his candidates usually won. This created a decline in election participation. (Spielvogel, 2014, p. 145) …show more content…
Each legion had 5,400 soldiers at full strength. The Roman Empire had an army of about 150,000 men, who were to serve twenty years and were recruited only from the citizenry (largely from Italy). (Spielvogel, 2014, p. 146) An auxiliary force of one hundred and thirty thousand was also maintained and lead by the Roman officers and tribal leaders. They recruited men for this force from noncitizens, who served for twenty-four years. For the completion of their service, they would receive their citizenship along with their families. (Spielvogel, 2014, pp. 146-147) Augustus created the praetorian guard and their job was to protect the emperor (McKeown). They were recruited from Roman citizens in Italy and served for sixteen years. (Spielvogel, 2014, p.

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