Ancient Athens was the first civilization to use democracy. They had a direct democracy which means all citizens voted on laws. There was no leadership position but there was a council, Citizens Assembly and courts. The council was made up of five hundred people, chosen randomly, who proposed laws and served for one year. The citizens assembly was made up of all citizens who voted on laws. The courts were five hundred to two thousand five hundred citizen jurors. To be a citizen in ancient Athens you had to be a male over the age of eighteen. Also, your father had to be a citizen and your mothers father had to be a citizen. Only 15% of the population were citizens. …show more content…
Leaders were elected by citizens and power was spread among several groups. The republic consisted of two consuls, three hundred senators, a citizens assembly, and courts. The consuls controlled the government and army, could veto each other and were elected for a one year term. The three hundred senators controlled the treasury, were lawmakers, made foreign policy, served for life, were chosen by the consuls, and were made up of Patricians. The citizens assembly was made up of all male Plebeian citizens who voted on laws and who was elected in the consul. The courts were made up of judges, juries and lawyers. All men, women, and foreigners were considered citizens. Only men could vote. Citizenship was offered to all conquered