
Who Is Juliet Schor's Essay The Creation Of Discontent

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Who Is Juliet Schor's Essay The Creation Of Discontent
A Life Full of Material Content Does buying material object make people feel content? Juliet Schor’s essay, “The Creation of Discontent,” connects how people take advantage of materialism and how people’s exploitation in materials results in the decline of happiness. Schor mentions about how people work harder and struggle more to maintain a lifestyle that makes people so unhappy. Comfort in our own lives is harder to come by when the money that each person makes is all going back to the economy. Although material objects are nice to have, those material things do not necessarily let people live a content lifestyle and do not realize the potential in different and less expensive life experience. Both my parents were fugitives in the Vietnam …show more content…
From the day both my parents came to the United States of America, they struggled to build their current lifestyle. Unknowingly, the harder the work the more each of them struggled. My parents own two restaurants to maintain a steady income for their family of six. The children’s happiness always came first then came materialistic objects as second. My parents fall victim into buying unnecessary materials for the household, for friends, and relatives and complain about how they struggle more now than they use to when they had first moved to America. I always hoped to live a better lifestyle than my parents. In Juliet Schor’s essay she quoted, “I feel I make a fairly good income hat should afford a comfortable life style, but somehow it doesn’t… (Kennedy 613) I would like to be able to know that even though I work hard, I am not struggling to pay off bills because I was buying materialistic items for others. That the hard earned money would solely go towards my children’s futures. Falling victim to materialistic things would hopefully be the last of my …show more content…
My parents where never super involved in my life and my siblings lives. Whenever my siblings and I had sporting events or a show to perform, they would rarely show up. Making money would always be a little more important and being invited out with friends would always be a little more important that going out to a movie with the kids. I would hope to one day not to leave my children behind when they need support and just want to spend some time with their parents. In the future, I would want to make sure my family has a good life experience and not just experience having material objects in replace of my time. The appreciation of my parents hard work will never go unnoticed but no harm can be done if our family had a better understanding of one another and the situations that each of us are going through and to be able to talk it

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