Mallard wasn’t able to do a lot of things she wanted/wished to do, due to the fact that she had a bad heart. Even things she wanted to do in her marriage she wasn’t able to do because it just wasn’t normal for a women to do them, all she wanted to do is be free. “She could see in the open square before her house the tops of the trees that were aquiver with the new spring life”. This is her life being described without her husband. After hearing the bad news and taking it in that her husband has passed away that’s when stress starts mourning. You would think that after a while she would start to realize that she had got what she hoped for and be happy, but she still had a bad
heart. Mrs. Mallard feared being being lonely for the rest of her life.Did her husband’s death make her more sick , or did it help her die joyful? She was so filled with mixed emotions that her heart and brain were dysfunctional which caused her death. I would say that she didn’t die the way she wanted to. I feel that if her and husband had gotten divorced it would’ve took a different toll on her sickness and body. Maybe you could say that she wouldn’t have died like she did or as fast as she did . Stress can kill your body as quick as any other disease. So knowing that her husband is “dead” this could’ve affected her tremendously. I think that she died free but she was still trapped in away she never thought the “death” would take a toll on her life