
Who Is Responsible For The Downfall Of Louis X Dbq

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Who Is Responsible For The Downfall Of Louis X Dbq
“I would rather obey a fine lion, much stronger than myself, than two hundred rats of my own species.” – Voltaire. Even in the years leading up to when France would fully plunder itself into a thought process that seemed to have no end, the great kings were supported by their subjects. Louis XI was only one in a great monarchical chain that had ruled France for years. It is speculated that Louis XI was the cause of decline for French monarchies; however he was known to the public as Louis the Beloved. During the time of Louis XI; France never truly had a single leader but, a great figurehead.
Louis XI was hardly a sole ruler; even though everything had to come through him for approval Louis sought out advisement in many places. Due to being crowned at age five Louis XI hadn’t ruled for the entirety of being king
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France was under the rule of Louis’ regent Philippe II doc d’ Orleans; his ruling lasted from 1712-1723 while Louis came of age to rule. During this time he arranged for Louis’ to marry Infanta Mariana princess of Spain; this fell through in year of Phillipe’s death 1723. At this point the newly appointed First Minister, Louis-Henri arranged for the marriage to Marie Leszczyńska (former princess of Poland). Louis’ was only fifteen when his regent died this left him hardly prepared enough to take to ruling a country, so he trusted in his first minister to rule for the coming years. In 1726 André-Hercule de Fleury took the title of first minister of France. Due to pressure from his alliance with Poland and advisement from his first minister Louis entered into his first war; The War of Polish Succession. By 1737 the war had ended and the queen had given him seven children and left him to be with his mistresses. One notable mistress would be Madame de Pompadour. She only served him as a ‘proper mistress’

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