First Sherlock Holmes was not the initiator of public administration, like I said earlier managing people, helping to solve their problems, and settle disputes has been around since biblical times. For example, Moses was managing the people at the Mount of God, Jethro Moses’s father in law, advises him how to delegate resposibility of managing the people. Moses listened to Jethros advise and “And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens” (Exo 18:24-26, KJV).
The creator of Sherlock Holmes, Canon Doyle certainly was someone in …show more content…
One task that public administrators need to do is problem solve and Holmes’s methods of problem solving are perfect for that function. One can simply look up on google “Sherlock Holmes systematic methods of investigation” and you will get a plethera of information about Sherlock Holmes’s methods of problem solving and how people are using those methods to advise others on how to solve their problems. Sherlock Holmes quotes are full of advice on how to reason and logically solve your problems. The place where his methods are used today would be in “criminal investigation and forensic techniques” (How Sherlock Changed the