
Who Is The Protagonist In Alas Babylon

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Who Is The Protagonist In Alas Babylon
Alas, Babylon Essay Randy Bragg, a rich and independent young man, is the main character in Alas, Babylon. The story, which is a dystopian fiction, is told through the eyes of Randy. As the story progresses, he turns from a bachelor with a trust fund to a strong and determined leader. Randy is characterized as a loyal brother and friend, although he does often give off the impression that he is rude and believes he is above everyone else. “He would come bouncing in like this, at the last minute, and demand service as casually as if The Bank were a soda fountain”(Frank 40). Randy has a reputation for being spontaneous; he does not plan out his day, and he will go wherever he wants, whenever he wants, as if he owns the town. Many people get a bad opinion from this behavior since it seems as if he doesn’t care about anyone else but himself, even though he is genuinely good and does not mean or want to be pictured in that way. …show more content…
While he and Dan have a drink at the bar in his apartment, they discuss the changes that will occur as a result of the bombings and the crisis at hand. Dan states,”You react to crisis in the right way… Some nations and people come apart like fat in a pan. Others meet the challenge and harden. I think you’re going to harden”(Frank 124). In this moment, Randy realizes where the idea “survival of the fittest” comes into play. He knows that if he wants him and his family to survive, he cannot come apart “like fat in a pan”(Frank 124). Instead, he must harden and become the leader. This realization makes him more mature, and he grows as a

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