Romeo and Juliet is the story of two “star-crossed lovers” who’s family’s hate each other. They have been in quarrel with each other for so long that they didn’t even know what started it. Romeo and Juliet fall in desperately in love and seek help from the Friar Lawrence who marries them in secret and helps them to escape together. There are complications, Romeo is banished because kills Tybalt (Juliet cousin) and at the same time Juliet is bid to marry the rich count Paris, whom she didn’t want to. So with the assistance Friar Lawrence she fakes her death, Romeo doesn’t get the letter from Friar Lawrence explaining the plan so he really thinks that she is dead and he kills himself. Juliet …show more content…
Friar Lawrence took rushed actions and didn’t think though his decisions carefully, Romeo and Juliet came to him and their fate in a way lay in his hands. He risked their lives by making mistakes and not thinking of the effects that he would cause. The Capulet’s and Montague’s were to blame because it was their feud that was the foundation of Romeo and Juliet’s death. If their fight didn’t exist then Friar Lawrence wouldn’t have to make his drastic decisions and it wouldn’t have resulted in the death of Mercutio and Tybalt as …show more content…
Not on the basis that it was the right thing to do. He quoted “In one respect I’ll thy assistant be, for this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your household’s rancour to pure love”. He was a man of god and was supposed to do the right thing and set an example. By marrying them gave them more of a reason to be together. Also thinking that their families would just forgive and forget decades of fighting just because they got married is just unrealistic. The friar may have been joining the families by marriage but he wasn’t joining them from their