The story of these characters revolves around the pursuit of cheese. Sniff and Scurry could care less about cheese. However, for Hem and Haw, having cheese means security, good health or materials. Living in a beautiful cottage with a loving family is the cheese dreamt by Haw. Whereas, for Hem, he dreamt of having the big cheese; owning a big mansion on top of a hill. Cheese is used in the story as a metaphor of what we want in life. They can be a dream home, a loving relationship, a good career, financial security, etc. In order to get cheese, these four characters spend their day racing in the maze to find cheese. One day, they discovered Cheese Station C with a large supply of cheese. Each morning, Sniff and Scurry will get up early to get to the cheese station. Whereas, Hem and Haw, get up late each morning and took a slow stroll to the cheese station. The discovery of the cheese station leads them to get to the same supply each day which somehow created a routine for them. Hem and Haw became adapted to this constant source and felt secure up to the point that
The story of these characters revolves around the pursuit of cheese. Sniff and Scurry could care less about cheese. However, for Hem and Haw, having cheese means security, good health or materials. Living in a beautiful cottage with a loving family is the cheese dreamt by Haw. Whereas, for Hem, he dreamt of having the big cheese; owning a big mansion on top of a hill. Cheese is used in the story as a metaphor of what we want in life. They can be a dream home, a loving relationship, a good career, financial security, etc. In order to get cheese, these four characters spend their day racing in the maze to find cheese. One day, they discovered Cheese Station C with a large supply of cheese. Each morning, Sniff and Scurry will get up early to get to the cheese station. Whereas, Hem and Haw, get up late each morning and took a slow stroll to the cheese station. The discovery of the cheese station leads them to get to the same supply each day which somehow created a routine for them. Hem and Haw became adapted to this constant source and felt secure up to the point that