Jerusalem was also the place where Pilate made his winter residence. His army came into Jerusalem under the cover of nightfall, and they brought with them the symbols and statues of the emperor. The crafting of these images went against the law and Pilate was the first to bring these images to Jerusalem and set them up in the city. The Jewish people awoke to these men and their symbols and were furious at the sight. The Jews then marched to Caesarea to confront Pilate on the matter of the symbols. Pilate would not remove the images because it would tend to the injury of Caesar. The Jews protested for five days, but Pilate would not budge on his decision. On the sixth day Pilate ordered his men to conceal blades on them and, when Pilate gave them the signal, surround the Jews and slay them. Pilate then took his seat at the tribunal in the great stadium and the crowd of rioting Jews started protesting again. Pilate gave the soldiers the signal and the men drew their swords ready to slay the men in the crowd, but the Jews threw themselves on the ground and said they would rather die than to transgress their law. Pilate was overcome with astonishment at the Jew's firm resolution to their laws and religion. Because of this, Pilate commanded the images be brought back to Caesarea from …show more content…
Chief priests and city elders of Jerusalem brought Jesus before Pilate to be trialed. Pilate ask Jesus if He was the King of the Jews and Jesus responded that he was. Jesus did not reply to any charge accused against Him and this amazed Pilate. Pilate followed the customs of the feast to release a single prisoner chosen by the crowd if they chose to condemn Jesus. The prisoner chosen was a man named Barabbas, a notorious criminal. Pilate asked the crowd which man they wanted set free: Jesus or Barabbas. The chief priests and elders had convinced the crowd to set Barabbas free and to execute Jesus, so when Pilate asked the question of who should be set free the crowd chose Barabbas. Pilate then asked what should he do to Jesus and the crowd responded with the sentence of crucifixion. Pilate could not find one thing wrong with Jesus or what he had done. Pilate found Jesus innocent and tried many times to convince the Jews that Jesus had done no harm. The crowd then said to Pilate that if he were to let the man go, then he would be no friend of Caesar because if Jesus claims to be a king then He opposes Caesar. After hearing this Pilate became fearful and handed Jesus over to the Jews to be crucified. Pilate washed his hands to show the crowd that he was innocent of this man's death. The crowd took full responsibility for Jesus' death and even put it on their children as well. Pilate