The first reason why the United States was right to annex the Philippines is because the Filipinos are not capable of governing themselves. William McKinley makes an excellent point, “That we could not leave them [Philippines] to themselves- they were unfit for self-governing- and they would soon have anarchy and misrule…” (Document C). The Philippines would have messed up if they would govern themselves. Albert J. Beveridge says, “The rule that all just government applies only to those who are capable of self-government,” (Document B). The Filipinos need the United States to help govern them. Both those men were right, the Filipinos were not ready.…
I reflect on our own Declaration of Independence that states "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." We went to the Philippines to protect them from Spain and now here we are doing what we were keeping Spain from doing to these people. I ask we have their consent to annex them? Do they believe it is in their best interest to be annexed to our great country? And what measures are we taking to fund a continued military presence to care for these people? If the Filipinos are not in support of this annexation, they will most assuredly fight us that will result in unnecessary violence and bloodshed of both American soldiers and Filipinos, whether you think them civilized or uncivilized. This is hypocritical to what we ourselves claim in our ideals expressed in our Declaration of Independence...the right to self govern. With this move of annexation are we not acting on the grounds of Imperialism which goes against our belief as a Republic? Are we conquerors, or are we liberators? I believe we should allow Aguinaldo, who we brought there from exile, to set up their own government and create a strong partnership that is agreeable for both the Philippines and the United States with mutual prosperity. Let us be the inspiration and model of their new venture and not force it upon them. This move will be viewed by eyes of other countries; it will impact their perception of our United States and the freedoms our nation…
Throughout history America has been known for intervening in other countries diplomatic affairs for the sake of special interests that can be anything from raw materials to competing for power against another country. By convincing people to rebel against their government, America is able to reach its goal. The American government is also known for manipulating people’s opinions against their government by propagandizing and filling them with empty dreams and hopes such as freedom and democracy. They explain that the only way to achieve those dreams is to overthrow the government. The American intervention in other countries led to many impacts.…
Throughout the history its been argued whether the United States had been expansionistic oriented or not, due to its limited presence only in the North American continent. In the late nineteenth century, the United States emerged the drive in expanding to the outside of the continent. The idea of imperialism in the Philippines became popular under the parole of protecting the world from Spanish rule, which was just a cover-up for the real reasons for the presence on these islands. This policy caused much controversy among politicians as well as the citizens. There were many reasons behind these imperialistic urges. One of the main reasons is that the United States sought to expand to foreign markets, and needed the Pacific islands as refueling stations for their ships. The other important reason for the expansion was to spread the Christianity among the heathen (Carnes page 576). In addition, the final reason for these imperialistic urges is that the U.S. had the necessity to annex some overseas properties.…
America is a great security for them and have advanced them up to the standards of the rest of the world through the annexation. The Philippine islands have finally gotten what they have wanted for centuries, independence. The Filipinos have lost some roots, but now have the choice to act as they feel and to try and reconnect if they would desire. America brought to them many wonderful factors such as free public education, a sense of freedom in religion, especially for those non Roman Catholic, and a connection with a powerful country to protect them if need be. Smith’s theory applies fairly well for the situation even with such differences in the time of the events.…
The United States fought harsh battles against Spain and the Philippines. They lost thousands of men and need compensation. The United States should not give up the islands of the Philippines. It is their reward for winning the war and they have the right to annex it. "We must on no account let the islands go. The American flag is up and it must stay up." With the Philippines, the U.S. would have great benefits. Not only will there be many natural resources, but also the Philippines geographic location will benefit the U.S. in future warfare and trading. The Philippines would provide new markets and cheap labor, which would help the U.S.'s overall economy. But annexing won't just help the U.S. The people of the Philippines would also benefit. The U.S. would establish a democratic society. People would work for wages and the economy would rise. U.S. inventions would be introduced to improve living conditions, such as, plumbing, electricity, and better structured homes. Some of the people of the Philippines may think that this process would be taking advantage of them, but they don't realize that both countries would benefit with the annexation of the…
Bryan also made a speech that criticized the acquisition of the Philippines, saying that we could…
Another reason why the United States should take the Philippines is to teach them religion. The United States wants to bring Christianity into their lives. They also want to civilize the Filipinos so they will be cultured and educated. The Philippines is strategically located, providing easy access for the U.S. military and navy if they are needed anywhere in Asia. If the U.S. doesn't take the Philippine Islands, a country such as Germany will. This could…
“We cannot avoid the responsibilities that confront us is Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines…Puerto Rico is not large enough to stand alone…Until order and stable liberty are secured in Cuba, we must remain on the island…The Philippines population includes half-caste and native Christians, warlike Moslems, and wild pagans. Many of their people are utterly unfit for self-government, and show no signs of becoming fit.”…
The freedom for the Philippines came from the blood shed on the battlefield between the Spanish and American armies. It all started in the year of 1898. The United States was fed up with the horrible treatment the Philippines and Cuba was getting from the Spanish. Later on, in 1899, the U.S. defeated the Spanish and won over the two territories. It was decided to let Cuba become its own country and annex the Philippines. The U.S. should not have annexed the Philippines because it is against the constitution, the U.S. was being hypocritical and Abe Lincoln didn’t want it.…
On January 1, 1898 the US was looking for a better economy, more money, and overall control. So the US decided that the Philippines should be colonized country. The United States motivation for Imperialism in the Philippines can be classified in 5 sections: economic, ideological, religious, political, and strategic motivations. Their economical motives start with opening new markets, expanding their trade possibilities, balancing a favorable trade, making exports exceed imports, and expanding foreign markets. The belief that they were racially superior to others, and strong sense of nationalism was their ideological reasoning.…
For each term, person, or place listed at the beginning of the section, write a sentence explaining its significance.…
Expansion into the Philippines meant different things to different leaders. Some leaders believed in expansion for economic reasons while others believed in spreading American idealism. Finally, during a time when America had gained political and economic strength, Spain was oppressing their people and American leaders argued that the U.S. needed to provide humanitarian aid. In this essay, I will exam three instances of motives used to justify expansion into the Philippines.…
At first glance it looks like a very logical and understandable that every state that has '' more democracy '' in respect to another, assist another country on the path of democratization. The United States as a world superpower and probably one of the most organized countries in the world should definitely do that. In practice, this is not necessarily always…
Although John Beverage believes it is our manifest destiny to annex the Philippines I can tell you it is not. We believed it was our destiny to expand westward and we did. This drove out many Native American’s from their homeland. How do you think they feel about that today? Let’s avoid an angry and resentful nation of people and instead, aid them.…