First, individual liberties and freedoms are important since without them one can be held indefinitely. Habeas corpus also known as the “great writ of liberty” guarantees that a person who is being held unjustly can go free (Habeas corpus, 2011). This is one of the reasons that make America so great because anyone who is detained can know the reason why they are being held and in so are allowed due process under the law. The Constitution protects the…
America was founded on the idea of freedom and it is crucial that freedom is always maintained throughout the country. The United States guarantees its citizens freedom…
“Give me liberty, or give me death!” Patrick Henry’s famous words still remain in history to influence our country, but many Americans generally neglect this phrase. We often take our freedom for granted without understanding how our Founding Fathers fought for our liberty from Britain. As Americans, we should respect our country and the freedom and rights given to us. We shouldn’t take this for granted because so many people around the world are unfortunate to not have this gift that most of us were born with or given.…
Benjamin Franklin once said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." The American people have always fought to retain their right of free speech; but one must ask what are we sacrificing with this protection?…
Objective 1: Understand the constitutional basis of civil liberties and the Supreme Court's role in defining them.…
Liberties mean being free within our society. These freedoms give us rights that we might not understand the importance of. Before we can protect these freedoms we need to learn and understand stand what they are. Which is why it is important to learn about our liberties.…
Liberty is defined as equality, state of being free or having freedom of choice. Sometimes our freedom can be limited because of the government policies. We shouldn’t just follow whatever the government addresses without thinking deeply about our options because sometimes they can lead us to a dead-end road. We should follow our instincts, and essence. Government responsibility to provide our needs and protect our right but sometimes that is not the case, they might direct us to the wrong way “They think that, if that they should resist, the remedy would be worse than the evil. But it’s the fault of the government itself that the remedy is worse than evil” Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience. Liberty gives us the freedom to say no that what make it very important.…
A great man once said “ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” That great man was John F. Kennedy, our thirty-fifth President. Personal freedoms, along with democracy and other American traditions, require more than just knowledge of the latter. Freedom is not free; every person who calls themself an “American” should, and have, an obligation to reciprocate a small portion of themself back to society. American individualism, although one of our greatest and defining traits, has progressively helped to shadow our image of civic duty and what it means to be an American: free.…
Freedom is a big part of all our daily lives and some of us take it for granted. When the veterans of WW1 and WW2 fought, they fought to sustain our freedom. If we didn’t possess the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or freedom of the press we wouldn’t be able to express ourselves or fulfill our greatest dreams. We wouldn’t be a strong…
Dr. Joyce A. Baugh spoke about the significance of civil rights and connected each event to her own life story. She was born in Charleston, South Carolina when racism was a huge issue. Baugh started off by talking about how five years before she was born, Brown v. Board passed. She explained that the Supreme Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. Then in 1960, Baugh was just seven months old. Sit-ins had begun around this time. She informed us on how four African American men demanded lunch at a front counter in a restaurant. In the 1960’s, only whites could sit at front counters. The men, known as the Greensboro Four, ordered coffee. The lunch counter staff refused to serve the African American men at the counter and the store's manager asked them to leave but the men stayed until the store closed. This became a peaceful protest and by the next day there were more than twenty African Americans sitting at the front counter. Sit-ins spread throughout the south and Baugh mentioned she had a friend whom participated in a 1954 sit-in located in Kansas. Baugh then transitioned her speech to Freedom Riders. Freedom Riders were a group of African Americans and Whites that drove around in a bus, blacks in the front and whites in the back, all across different states. In one trip, they reached South Carolina. The people were so insulted. Once they reached terminals, they were beaten. From this story, she began to talk about a man by the name of Harvey Gantt. Baugh mentioned how proud she was of this man because he was the first African American from her hometown to become mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina in 1983. Gantt had the privilege to serve for two terms. Next, Baugh went back a few years and told us about the Bombing of 16th street in a Baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama. It was an act of racially, motivated terrorism. This bombing killed four young girls and…
While America prides itself for it's values of freedom and liberty, these rights have historically been granted to a select few of Americans. History has shown that the concept of freedom and liberty in this country has always been contradictory. During…
Some groups of Americans were allowed their civil liberties in the U.S. history. However, other groups of Americans were denied those civil rights. The government has recognized civil rights, protected civil rights, and addressed the importance of citizens to respect the civil rights of others through a process of civil unrest and political interventions.…
We have a lot of freedoms, like the freedom of speech, the freedom to do what we want, and the freedom the to express yourself. This is what it would be like without some of the freedoms we have today, you wouldn’t be able to believe in gods that you wanted to believe in. You also wouldn’t be able to protest against laws that you didn’t like and you wouldn’t be able to vote for the president you liked. If you didn’t like the president and you started talking about him in a bad way you would be hung or worse. Lets talk more about freedom of…
America is a free and privileged country, but the main reason we’re able to have all the rights we have is because we have soldiers all over the world fighting for our freedom. All the soldiers know when they go into battle they may not be able to see their families again but they still choose to go and fight for our rights and freedom. Freedoms such a Freedom Of Speech,, Freedom Of Religion and The Right To Bear Arms. Those are a few rights that we have as Americans and of course there are many more those are a few that are commonly known.…
Civil Rights Amendment The 13th amendment means to except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States. No one should be imprisoned like slavery unless they committed a crime. It got rid of slavery. The 13th amendment is important because slavery is not ok.…