There are many reasons, but the only important reason is to realize my self, and to live with dignity. Accordingly, when I study and get a bachelor certificate, I will look for a good job that I can live from by getting an income. Then, my life will change into better. I will feel stable. In addition, it’s beautiful to know that your parents are proud of you.
2. How and why did you decide to enroll at Purdue Calumet and how and why did you choose your particular major?
I was studying in Saudi Arabia until I got married. Then I decide to come to America with my husband to complete my education beside him. My major was Business Administration, but when I came to Purdue calumet university, I had to change …show more content…
As you start this semester, what are you most excited about?
I have excited to learn more information. To learn how being as a real business woman. In addition, I was looking to make more friends, and to get rid of feeling shy. Also, I have a dream that I want to achieve, and being student college is the first step of achieving this goal. Working on achieving my dream, makes me feel enthusiastic.
5. An important part of being successful is setting goals. As you are starting this semester consider what you want to achieve and complete the following sentence. "I will ______________________," Explain HOW you will achieve your goals. Be specific in stating the steps you will take toward that goal.
I will get an A+ on all the courses, by doing a schedule that shows all the courses with their times. I will do a chart with all the assignments for all the courses with small explanation for each one. I will spend most of my time in the weekend on studying and reading chapters. I won’t postpone any assignment, and I will do them in time. If I feel to meet the peer mentor or the professor, I will schedule meeting. After all that, I hope to achieve this