If people can’t, be honest and upfront with other people and negotiate a more manageable solution. This approach will not only help people maintain their integrity, but it will also prevent unnecessary stress and frustration. Plato once said, “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” Social media is the main cause of bullying and anger issues. One theory is that cyberbullies have difficulty feeling empathy for others. Low empathy has certainly been attributed to the increased use of technology and less real-world social interaction. But this is only one facet of the cyberbullying problem (Effects of Cyberbullying). Cyberbullying also allows a bully to feel more powerful. Cyberbullying is too common. Bullies just bully people just for power or control. Bullies do not care how their decisions will affect others. Cyberbullying also allows a bully to feel more powerful. Through the use of technology, a cyberbully can easily and effortlessly unleash a torrent of torment at any time, all from the safe harbor of their own home, with little concern or
If people can’t, be honest and upfront with other people and negotiate a more manageable solution. This approach will not only help people maintain their integrity, but it will also prevent unnecessary stress and frustration. Plato once said, “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” Social media is the main cause of bullying and anger issues. One theory is that cyberbullies have difficulty feeling empathy for others. Low empathy has certainly been attributed to the increased use of technology and less real-world social interaction. But this is only one facet of the cyberbullying problem (Effects of Cyberbullying). Cyberbullying also allows a bully to feel more powerful. Cyberbullying is too common. Bullies just bully people just for power or control. Bullies do not care how their decisions will affect others. Cyberbullying also allows a bully to feel more powerful. Through the use of technology, a cyberbully can easily and effortlessly unleash a torrent of torment at any time, all from the safe harbor of their own home, with little concern or