
Why Communist Societies Fail

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Why Communist Societies Fail
Mr Caprio
22 November 2015

Communism is an ideology of economic equality through the elimination of private property. The beliefs of communism, most famously expressed by Karl Marx, center on the idea that inequality and suffering result from capitalism. The basic idea of communism was that all people are the same and therefore classes make no sense. The government should own all means of production and land and also everything else. People should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally. Communist ideology also states that these revolutions should spread across the globe, rather than be limited to individual countries. This helps explain the historical hate between capitalist and communist nations particularly the long Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Though Communism is looked down upon, there are many advantages of a communist system. In a communist regime, people are treated equally regardless of education or financial stability in the eyes of the government. Economic boundaries does not separate or categorize people, which eliminates crime and violence. In a Communist system, people are entitled to have jobs.
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Communism fails because it is a dictatorship. There is no right to criticise policies, doing this would be disloyal. Without the freedom to criticise, bad decisions cannot be discovered and problems go unfixed. Another reason why Communist societies fail is because one cannot build a successful economic model if one insist on executing independent thinkers and imprisoning creative minds. Also, the people in difficult jobs quickly lose their motivation. For example, workers would stop caring about how much product they are producing since it makes no difference to them either way. They are also likely to grow bitter at the government for failing to give them recognition when they do a good

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