
Why Did Communism Fail

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Why Did Communism Fail
Communism is a Karl Marx original, by advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Although Karl Marx political movement considers history in terms of a class conflict and revolutionary struggle. But in the end communism and socialism prevaled why it couldn't hold, because it had abolished free markets so that officials had no market prices to guide them in planning production. Even tho as history shows communism is the easiest system to sell to people who are poor, not because they are stupid and poor, its because communism for them was reasonable, fair, and workable. Even though the reality of communism are indeed workable,the only problem is the produce supre inefficient economies. You can almost look anywhere to see how and why the many the reasons communism really failed, but its main reason is the the government could get the poor to buy in to what they are saying and make them believe the system is worth paying attention to or following behind. With all the poor people being brainwashed by their corrupt government, it allows the government to come in and support the country all by itself and have the leader make all the decisions for everyone that is living …show more content…
For example we are still gonna need people selling firewood, selling tires for our cars, or even somebody build chairs. What also makes it a great resource is that they tend to invest into their own capital when it comes to their business. This finical based capital is mainly on there savings and the take risks linked to their investments, even though the risk taking can come to bite them in the but, the reward is bittersweet and thats what its all about. Entrepreneurs will always be in the future regardless of the government or life's wellbeing but also never change its way to looking at

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