continuously funded Fulgencio Batista, who was the military dictator that Castro was fighting during the Cuban revolution. Stephen Gabe argues that the U.S. backed Batista with sixteen million dollars in military aid and helped organize his secret police because the U.S. wanted to gain valuable concession to Cuban resources and wanted Batista to cooperate with U.S. investors and keep U.S. investments safe in Cuba. Castro explains that the first unfriendly act by the U.S. was supporting Batista against the Cuban people with military arms and believed that Batista just worked with the U.S. to exploit the Cuban lands by giving the U.S. valuable concessions to Cuban resources and to protect U.S. business interests in turn for military support. To solve the problem of Batista working with the U.S. Castro argued in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, that Cuba was forced to nationalize their resources through cancelling concessions to American telephone companies, reducing electricity rates that were owned by the U.S, and making land reforms. Castro rapidly intensified his policies of nationalization because he saw the U.S. as a hostile regime that only wanted to exploit the Cuban economy by working with Fulgencio Batista. Castro argued that the U.S. was flying their own mercenaries over Cuban airports and bombing the Cuban people in order to protect their commercial interests, which killed innocent Cuban women and children. The senseless acts of bombings perpetrated by the U.S. on Cuba aggravated Castro whereby he said, “We are ready to fire a million shots at the first Yankee parachutist that tries to land here”, which shows that Castro was ready to fight all acts of imperialism and kill any U.S. soldier that invaded Cuba. The statement made by Castro whereby he said that he would be prepared to kill any U.S. invader shows that
continuously funded Fulgencio Batista, who was the military dictator that Castro was fighting during the Cuban revolution. Stephen Gabe argues that the U.S. backed Batista with sixteen million dollars in military aid and helped organize his secret police because the U.S. wanted to gain valuable concession to Cuban resources and wanted Batista to cooperate with U.S. investors and keep U.S. investments safe in Cuba. Castro explains that the first unfriendly act by the U.S. was supporting Batista against the Cuban people with military arms and believed that Batista just worked with the U.S. to exploit the Cuban lands by giving the U.S. valuable concessions to Cuban resources and to protect U.S. business interests in turn for military support. To solve the problem of Batista working with the U.S. Castro argued in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, that Cuba was forced to nationalize their resources through cancelling concessions to American telephone companies, reducing electricity rates that were owned by the U.S, and making land reforms. Castro rapidly intensified his policies of nationalization because he saw the U.S. as a hostile regime that only wanted to exploit the Cuban economy by working with Fulgencio Batista. Castro argued that the U.S. was flying their own mercenaries over Cuban airports and bombing the Cuban people in order to protect their commercial interests, which killed innocent Cuban women and children. The senseless acts of bombings perpetrated by the U.S. on Cuba aggravated Castro whereby he said, “We are ready to fire a million shots at the first Yankee parachutist that tries to land here”, which shows that Castro was ready to fight all acts of imperialism and kill any U.S. soldier that invaded Cuba. The statement made by Castro whereby he said that he would be prepared to kill any U.S. invader shows that