
Why Did Hitler Join The Party Essay

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Why Did Hitler Join The Party Essay
Hitler joined the party in 1919 after being unexpectedly accepted because of his charismatic public speaking and sharing the ideas of anti-Semitism and blaming all the problems of Germany on jews. When he joined the party, he begun to give very emotional speeches, stand up against the Treaty of Versailles, a treaty that Germany was forced to sign that put all the blame of WWI on Germany. In February 1920, Hitler urged The German Worker Party to set up a mass meeting in which he also invited the Marxists. The meeting hall named Beer Hall Putsch in Munich contained more than 2000 people including communists.
Hitler outlined the Twenty Five Points of the German Worker Party, which included the union of all Germans in a greater German Reich;
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Article 48 was used to dissolve the parliament since it allowed the government to govern without it only in emergencies. The Nazi's won 18% of votes that year making them the second largest political party in Germany. Bruening was last to stand up against Hitler but his economic policies had little to no effect leading to unemployment rising to six million. On May 1932, Hindenburg asked Bruening to resign and Bruening did resign the very next day. Franz Von Papen was assigned, he dissolved the Reichstag again and new elections were called again which was very tiring. Papen invoked the article and proclaimed martial law which Hitler didn't like and decided to get him removed. Elections came and the Nazi’s gained 750,000 votes making them the most powerful and popular political party in the country. Hitler gave a list of demands to Schleicher but Schleicher and Papen came to a compromise and told Hitler he could only have vice chancellorship and Prussian Ministry of Interior. Hitler became mad and spewed threats of violence and murder using the SS. President Hindenburg assigned a meeting with Hitler where he gave a tongue lashing to him after Hitler again demanded chancellorship and unable to cooperate with Schleicher and Papen. Papen later received a no confidence vote due to

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