
Why Did Hitler Lose Faith In Germany

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Why Did Hitler Lose Faith In Germany
“In darkness, God’s truth shines most clear” (Corrie ten Boom). Clearly, the Holocaust was a very dark time. For some people, this meant that they drew closer to God, while others pushed him away. Some people just completely lost faith in humanity - wouldn’t you? Adolf Hitler was elected for chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933 and ruled for twelve years until his end on May 8, 1945. His campaign was full of promises for a better tomorrow, one of his most famous slogans simply saying, “Forward”. Although we now know that Hitler clearly had false intentions, it was his propaganda that drove him to the top.
Before Hitler came to power, Germany’s government was otherwise known as the Weimar Republic. The German people thought poorly of their
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He was an excellent speaker, and had the ability to persuade people into supporting him. This is just one of many reasons as to how Hitler rose to power so quickly and successfully. Because of the depression, Germany had begun to lose faith in the Weimar Republic, turning to extremist political parties, such as the Nazis and Communists. One of Hitler’s many unfulfilled promises during his campaign was the promise that he would overturn the Treaty of Versailles, a source of unrest for the German people. Because industrialists believed in Hitler’s ability to overcome these bumps in the road, they gave him money for his campaign and 110% of their support, therefore making him more well known and potentially giving him the final push he needed to win the election. Hitler had something that appealed to people of every class, and promised that everyone would be better off if he was elected. This was a major factor that contributed to his supremacy. Stormtroopers, a member of the Nazi militia, were known for their brutality and violence. Everyone lived in fear of them. If anyone opposed Hitler, the Stormtroopers would find out and hunt them down. Due to this, many people decided that it would be in their best interest to keep their mouths shut. Even if people decided to challenge the system and oppose Hitler, the Stormtroopers would go to court for a murder trial, but the judge would let them walk out of fear for …show more content…
He just simply could not take the burden anymore. Attempting genocide will do that to you, folks. He and his wife, Eva Hitler eloped on April 28, 1945. Just two days later, they both committed suicide within the comforts of their bunker underneath the Reich Chancellery building. On April 29, Hitler was made aware that Berlin was going to be over run by the Soviets due to the lack of German troops on the scene. Although Hitler seemed to have already decided that suicide was the only solution, receiving this news certainly did not help the situation. Also, Benito Mussolini, leader of the National Fascist party, had been killed and hung upside down in the streets of Milan. Hitler, terrified of such utter humiliation, ordered that he and his wife’s bodies be burned. Earlier that day, Hitler tested out the cyanide capsules that would bring he and his wife to their tragic ends on their beloved dog and her puppies. Fortunately for him, they worked quickly and his plan was set. He had his eye on the prize. The next day was the day that Hitler had set to do the deed. At 3:15 on April 30, both Adolf and Eva’s bodies were discovered in their bunker, having taken the cyanide capsules and Adolf using his pistol, just for good

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