Germany was still suffering from the effects of WWI .This led to the rise of the Nazis in Germany, because Hitler promised the people of Germany jobs for the unemployed, and a market for the farmers goods. In the book Holocaust by Angela Wood Hitler recruited unemployed young people and members of the lower middle class, and so they grew in power and numbers. “In the 1932 election, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more than any other party.” Hitler rose to power, “In January 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the head of the German government.In his speeches Hitler spread his beliefs in racial purity and in the superiority of the Germanic race, what Hitler called an Aryan master race”. For Hitler, the ideal Aryan was blonde haired, blue eyed, and tall. Bachrach, Susan. Tell Them We Remember: The Story of the Holocaust. New York: Little Brown & Company, …show more content…
1994. Print
The Nazis targeted the Jews because they did not want to take blame for their own doings, they wanted to blame it all on the jews. Hitler and the Nazis stated that the Jews were responsible for huge events like losing WWI and the economic crisis. Hitler was using this to gain control of Germany. For Hitler it’s all about power and control. “With Hitler in power, relationship between Jews and non Jews were often mocked in public.Some people were made to wear signs that said that they were a Jewish pig or in relationship with a Jewish pig”.Wood, Angela Gluck. Holocaust. New York: A Penguin Company, 2007. Print.
The horror of the Holocaust is very similar to that of the Civil Rights Movement Of African Americans, during the Holocaust the Jews were discriminated by the Nazis and in the Civil Rights Movement Of African Americans the Negroes were discriminated by the white people in America. Both the Jews and the African Americans wanted to be treated just like everyone else and not like an animal. “Links were made between stereotyped images of subhumans including Arabs,Asians, and Africans. Joining these people in the image is a largely printed jew’s face.” Wood, Angela Gluck. Holocaust. New York: A Penguin Company, 2007. Print. African Americans did not have equal rights, they did not get paid as much as white people doing the same jobs, they were not allowed to use the same bathroom as white people, they were not allowed to sit wherever they desired even though they paid to get on the bus.
They could not walk the streets without one white person yelling insults like, Nigger e.t.c. From segregation in bathrooms to insults on the street, Africans Americans were oppressed of their rights and mistreated “In 2012, the Manhattan Institute cheerily noted that segregation had declined since the 1960s. And yet African Americans still remained--by far--the most segregated ethnic group in the country” Coates, Ta-Nehisi. "The Case for Reparations." Atlantic Monthly. Jun. 2014: 54. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 02 Feb.
Many Jews, realizing that they were in danger, started to flee to other countries for their safety. Those who did not want to move were made to be moved by way of force into immigration. Other countries took a huge amount of Jews into refuge. Getting countries to accept all of these people became a problem for Hitler. His next attempt to exterminate Jews would be to set them aside in small isolated areas called ghettos. While there, Hitler planned to have them deprived of food and hoped that they would catch diseases and die. Families watched each other slowly dwindle, and corpses would be found in the middle of the roads. Despite all of this, the Jewish held strong, and Hitler’s plan of isolation became evidently too slow for him.
As a result of Hitler’s impatience with the Jews, he decided to act more directly and come to a Final Solution. He developed a plan to totally wipe out the Jewish population, in which he would have them murdered. This program is called genocide. Bachrach, Susan. Tell Them We Remember: The Story of the Holocaust. New York: Little Brown & Company, 1994. Print
The horrifying events of the Holocaust are similar to that of The African American Civil Rights Movement. They are very similar in the intentions to change the population to one race. During both of the time periods there was discrimination such as the Whites were at higher power over the blacks in the Civil Rights Movement and the Nazi Community was the higher power in Germany back in 1945. Hitler’s idea of dictatorship was to simply eliminate the Jewish population to make one high power for the dominant Nation. Both races were treated unfairly and tried to fight and earn their equal rights. The world is a very unequal world, and people need to fix this. It is not fair, we are all humans and should be treated like one.