5. Powerful and precise oratory: One of the reasons that Lincoln was a considered a great leader was his power of oratory. It is not enough for a leader to manage the emotions, rather a leader should be a generator of emotions. His speeches were crisp, powerful and created a lot of impact to the target audience. His oratory aroused emotions in people. Great leaders should be adept in communicating the essence of what he and his team stands for and generate the highest degree of emotional commitment. In the process, there might be logical inconsistencies but at the end of the day, the degree of impact on the target audience is what really matters.
6. Self-Development: Another great lesson to learn from Lincoln is for all his greatness …show more content…
Duality: W.E. DuBois, talks about Lincoln’s inconsistency, which is evident through the movie. He was merciful (pardoning people), cruel; peace-loving, a fighter; protecting slavery and freeing slaves. He believed in persuasion but also used his authority to great effect (“I am the President of United States clothed in immense power”). He never let his ego come in the way of getting the work done. He understood other people’s perspective (Steven’s discussion with Abe Lincoln on Steven’s speech) yet used his persuasion skills to get what he wanted. His humility which is displayed in numerous scenes through his self-depreciating humor made him a master of emotional intelligence. Even in testing times, when everyone was eager and nervous to learn about the fate of an ongoing battle, Lincoln diffused tension through