Why Did Nightjohn Teach Other Slaves
Nightjohn was an escaped slave. He had escaped from the south but had come back to teach other slaves how to read and write.He returned to the south to teach secret schools at night.That is how he got his name Nightjohn.His name was just John.John had been caught at night going to pick up the students he was going to teach. A man came by the house owned by a man named Clel Waller.He bought nightjohn from the man.And that’s the first time that Sarny saw Nightjohn.
Clel Waller was the slaveholder.The theme for this was that Clel was the slaveholder, slave master, holder, boss.Whatever you want to call him.He was a cruel, mean, and heartless. If Waller used rewards for good behavior, everything would be less complicated.
Nightjohn would also