The Black Death was a terrible plague that spread through Africa, China and Europe killing many people. The boats carried infected rats and the streets seemed like paradise when they climb down from the boats.The Black Death stayed in Europe from 1347-1350 but the Plague didn't stop there, it returned again in 1361, 1374 and 1388.
The Black Death stayed in Europe from 1347-1350 but the Plague didn't stop there, it returned again in 1361, 1374 and 1388. The Black Death stayed in Europe from 1347-1350 but the Plague didn't stop there, it returned again in 1361, 1374 and 1388. In 2 years around about 25 million people had been killed by the Black Death and in 10 years 1/3 of Europe's population had died.
Fleas were infected by germs then the fleas would infect the black rats that they are living on. When the rats would die the fleas would find refuge on humans. The fleas would bite the human and the germs would spread through the bloodstream.