Rome had made advancements: roads made of rocks, arches, and aqueducts. They were huge accomplishments that improved the quality of life. As word spread about their advancements, Rome became a beacon for invaders. While Rome possessed an extremely strong army, the city was weakened by the greedy rulers who controlled the political system. Without strong leadership the Roman army was no match for invading barbarian forces.…
How does it feel to be treated unfair? Rome gets treated unfair too. Rome was a republic that became a dictatorship and it “fell”. This means Rome fell apart completely. This occurred from 750 BC to 5 BC. This was over 1000 years. The primary reasons that Rome “fell” was that they had Military Problems, Natural Disasters, and poor and unfair.…
There were many reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Each document in this essay explains a different reason. Some causes were: political, economic, social, and military differences and problems. Basically, the problem was that the gap between the rich aristocrats and the poor serfs got bigger and bigger; the rich got richer as the poor got poorer. Also, when something grows, it always falls back down. In Document 1, an excerpt from a book was taken out. According to the authors, the basic problems facing the Western Roman Empire came from the people that gave up devotion to the old civilization and didn't believe that it was worth saving. Why should they care about their land if they weren't allowed to take part in government say, they couldn't form groups to protect themselves, and were even excluded from their own army? The practically jobless people realized that their cities were slowly falling, but no one bothered to stop their decline; it was something that had to happen. The loss of popular support to the oppressive government, increased government corruption, division of the empire, and internal power struggles were some political causes that led to the fall of Rome. In Document 2, two causes for the fall of Rome were: the large size, and the introduction to Christianity. Because the Empire grew too large, it became uneasy to control. It was inevitable for the fall to occur, no matter how much anyone tried. Jesus' introduction to Christianity also started a change. The clergy (priests) helped change the moral values of society. It no longer mattered much, and military power was buried or thrown away. The rich's wealth was taken away and given to charity (poor). In Document 3, the Muller's explanation for the decline was an economic issue. As the Empire grew stronger, so did economy. When the Empire started to decline, business ceased and there was little progress, so that also crashed along with the empire itself. Slavery caused another…
Imagine that the United States was getting invaded from all angles, Washington D.C. was getting burned and looted, and a new president took office every year. This is a chaotic scene that fortunately, the United States will never have to worry about. However, unfortunately for Rome, a series of events just like the scene described, is what ultimately caused the great empire to fall. The United States will not fall like Rome did.…
The collapse of the Western Roman empire is something that perplexes many. Other influences played their part is chipping away at the empire, however, they are not as significant as economic issues.... They were merely events all part of a domino effect that economic instability caused. One of the Some debate whether or not Rome officially ‘ended’ when the Western Empire fell, or if it continued with the Eastern Empire. ‘Rome’, as in what was established in the city itself, did not continue on as its eastern counterpart, and fell with its Western Empire.…
Rome was one of the greatest empires of its time. They conquered so much land that they had to split it in half to be able to manage all of it. They had ruthless leaders who gained so much power and land for Rome. They also had a military that was practically invincible and they could take down anyone who tried to stand in their way. A civilization as strong as Rome should not have fallen. And the reason as to why it did is still a mystery to many people. The Roman Empire fell because of invasion by the Huns, the loss of people, and because the people of Rome got tired.…
By 200 BC, Rome was quickly becoming one of the world’s greatest empires with their excellent military conquering territory from modern day Scotland to Spain. After the Punic Wars and the defeat of Carthage, Rome had full control of the Mediterranean region, establishing colonies in North Africa, Egypt, the Middle East, and Asia Minor. Julius Caesar became Rome’s first emperor using his military influence. Under his reign, Rome shifted from a republic to an empire under the rule of an emperor and the military. Rome steadily increased in stability, power, and wealth, reaching Pax Romana (the time of Roman peace) under Emperor Augustus Caesar. Rome was forced to discover, as many other large empires throughout history have, that size can create complications. Political strains developed and Rome eventually morphed into a government similar to a dictatorship. Believing their goal of a “perfect empire” had been reached, leaders in Rome began to become lazy. Romans developed a thirst for luxury and a lack of work ethic, which resulted in a decline in the quality of products made by the empire. Around the 5th century BC, Rome began to have constant invasion attempts by Germanic tribes at their borders. There was a multitude of factors contributing to the fall of Rome, the most impactful being the frequently changing leadership, the increasing negligence of the Roman army, and foreign invasions along Rome’s borders.…
Although the glorious empire cannot come back, it’s legend lives on. Though the Romans were successful, their lust for power and hunger for luxury finally hit its highest point and fell. All of the paragraphs above give facts on facts on why the Western Empire fell such as economic issues, political problems, diseases, and foreign invaders. Though it was the most modernized, it’s flaws came through, and the Western Roman Empire had a tragic fall.…
What could have caused a strong empire to fall? The Roman empire bean in 750…
Did you know that Rome was one of the biggest empires of all time? By the 5th century AD, Rome was starting to fall. An empire can fall by having a bad economy, military, and/or government. These were the reasons that Rome fell. The most important reason, however, was the military.…
There are many contributions to the fall of the roman republic. Three of the main ones can be linked to the Actions and legacy of Sulla, Caesars military campaigns and Caesars dictatorship. The decline of the Republic began in the middle of the second century B.C. with political, economic, and social events. These events in addition to the burdens of civil war on Rome, lead to the inevitable failure of the Republic.…
The ancient world’s greatest empire fell, so does that mean our country could face the same fate? Rome lays on the Western side of Italy; a mere 30 miles away from the Tiber River. Ancient Rome was home to one million people, a feat that could not be surpassed by another city until more than a thousand years later. But the most impressive part is how Ancient Rome managed to capture 1.699 million miles of land. Their success came from the sheer size of their skillful army and the devoted patriotism ingrained within their culture.…
The Pax Romana was a two hundred year time period where the Romans had peace and prosperity under Augustus. The Roman empire started to decline at the end of the prevail of the last five emperors, Marcus Aurelius in 161-180 A.D. The rulers in the next century had no idea how to deal with the problems the empire was having. There was many reasons to the fall of the Roman Empire but three stood out the most. The preliminary reason was the economy begins to decline. The alternative reasoning was Rome started to face unheaval in the military and polictics started to decay. Ultimately the third reason was invadors overran the western empire.…
There are no definitive causes for the fall of the Roman Empire, yet there are multiple valid reasons as to why it happened such as military power, social problems, widespread of diseases, and moral strength. The Romans had the power to repair what went wrong, yet they let the chaos get the better of the in a time when they had little control in a very uncivilized…
The Ancient Roman empire was one of the most prominent and successful societies of its time period. By the end of their reign, the Romans had conquered almost all of the Mediterranean including parts of present day Europe, Asia, and Africa. Rome was at its strongest during the rule of Augustus Caesar, this time was known as the “Pax Romana” or Roman peace. It wasn’t until later, when Emperor Trajan took over in about 98 C.E. that the Empire reached its peak. After this, the Empire became too large to be governed in unity, so Emperor Diocletian (284-305) decided to divide it into the Western and Eastern Empires. At the same time, Christianity was diffusing throughout the Empire, and had become too large for the Roman officials to control. Previously they would persecute anyone who claimed to be a Christian inside of the Roman Empire, but now they were unable to do so. Not only did the internal stability decrease in a religious aspect, but an economical aspect as well. The separation of the social classes began to grow causing inflation to occur when Diocletian tried to compensate by creating more money. By now the Empire was instable and vulnerable to outside attacks on its land. Many factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire including division of the empire, internal instability, and foreign intruders.…