provide public services Grade -A
Explanation of how it meets the common good:
I believe that the Roman Empire was good at providing public services so I gave them a -A.One of the Romans best services was the roads.The roads were …show more content…
The most famous way the romans promote the rule of law was the twelve tables. Each table focused on a different topic, for example Table one is about summons to court, table two is on judgement and theft, and continuing to table twelve. The roman law was so famous that it spread to Britain and North america. People even created new laws based on it. The Romans started their republic when they overthrew their king. One of the first rules was that only adult free males got to be citizens. After the plebeians got more rights they put all the laws on twelve tables the laws applied to everyone. That is why I gave the roman empire a +B on promoting rule of law.
Prepare for a common defence …show more content…
There were different groups of the roman army. The 8 soldiers that made up a tent were called a conterberium. 1 conterberium was in charge of a conterberium.Ten conterberium is called a century.6 centuries will make up a chort. Ten cohorts would make up a legion. A legion is about 6,000 soldiers. In 123 BC the roman government started providing the legion with equipment. There was not a lot of armor sets so some men wore different armor. One of the main reasons rome was powerful was because of its army. The roman army was advanced for it’s time. A legionnaire had to be a roman citizen and had to be 17 or older. A legionnaire signed up for 25 years of service and old legionnaires retired together. An auxiliary soldier was someone who was not a roman citizen. they often fought on the front lines. The roman catapults were called orangers and the roman army cold march 20 miles a day with their armor on. That is why I Gave the roman empire an +A on prepare for a common