Black holes are not holes in space, nor are they uniform in size; they are unusual and diverse in nature. One can briefly describe a black hole as an object that is as dense as that no radiation can escape its gravitational pull. (Cosmic 132) In fact, its name is somewhat of a misnomer; black holes are in fact matter, and therefore tangible. One could even hold a black hole in one 's hand, assuming the gravitational force hadn 't crushed it. Black holes originally thought to have only been formed by supermassive stars collapsing in by their own gravity, to a mass smaller than the moon, also exist in many other forms. "Proposed varieties include primordial black holes...low mass objects formed shortly after the beginning of the universe; stellar black holes...and supermassive black holes, equivalent to millions of stars in mass and located in the centers of galaxies." (Cosmic 132) The "primordial" black holes have only been theorized; created by the big bang. (Cosmic 110) The Hubble space telescope, on the other hand, has photographed supermassive black holes. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has a black hole in its center, having…