Our people today still suffer, we need to put a stop to it right ways before there is any more deaths.
This year, 1904, there has been seventy-six of our people have been killed, hanged or alleged offense without a legal trial. This violence need to be stopped for the sacks of our children, our wife and for every african american out there that is in the shadows hiding from everyone else. Our children don’t need to learn how to kill someone, if the violence keeps going like that then our children are going to end killing people. We want our children to learn new things that they never seen before, we want them to become someone better in the life, so they could make history that everyone in America would be talking
about. “I’m afraid that there is a certain class of race problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”- Booker T Washington. We are all afraid, we do not want to be afraid anymore. We hope one day us men are free along with our families. We want to provide food and clothing for our families. We want to be free from all the judgements because our our skin color, because we are different from everyone else. We can’t work certain places because we are different color, we can’t get a good job so we could provide stuff that our families. We can not go and get an education because of our skin color. The only school we could go to is a college in Daytona Beach, Florida. We have to do something about this, our children need to have an education in their lives so they could become something more important, so they could make a difference in their lives. We as African American could make a change, we could do something about all this. People are scared to speak up and be heard by everyone. We need to stop being scared we need to come together and fight for our freedom, we want to be treated equal, we want a better job, we want an education for our children. We all want things in life, but it’s better to actually go and make it happen instead of just wanting it. We all could make a change in our lives, we could make things happen, we just need to come together and accomplish our goal to have a better life for us and for our families.