A black person is killed every 28 hours, and black men between ages 19 and 25 are the group most at risk to be gunned down by the police. Based on data from the center on juvenile and criminal justice, young blacks are 4.5 times more likely to be killed by police than any other age or racial groups. The reason that black lives matter is because African-Americans are killed more in this world than any other race. An example would be if you put a young white man and a
3 young black man who are dressed the same together, the young black man would have a greater chance of being stopped just because of his race. This is because of the color of his skin it causes a lot of suspicion and the mindset that many whites have is that many blacks are dangerous and can't be trusted. Another example could be when an African-american goes into a store they are more likely to be followed around a store and watched. Black lives matters is a movement that wants to stop the wrongdoings that are happening to African-americans and empower them to stand up for what's happening in the world. Blue Lives