
Why Do Criminals Deserve Life Without Sentence?

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Why Do Criminals Deserve Life Without Sentence?
Juveniles receiving life sentences is a very controversial topic in the juvenile justice. Most people believe that just because they are young they don’t deserve life sentences, even if they murdered someone, the public believes that they’re “immature” or “emotionally unstable”, but I do not agree with them removing the life without sentence from juveniles. They still committed a heinous crime and affected a family drastically. So I will be talking about why some juveniles do deserve “Life without Parole” sentences; however, there are a select few who probably do not deserve that sentence. Some people do not think about how the criminal affected the victim’s family, but other people, like juries, who aren’t apart of their family believe the …show more content…
Taking someone’s life because you feel good about it or because you were upset is as low as someone can go, especially in teens; however, some people believe that the reason why teens are committing these crimes are because their brains are underdeveloped, but as the article “On Punishment and Teen Killers” states “This actually disproves juvenile advocates’ reliance on the “underdeveloped brain” argument. If brain development were the reason, then teens would kill roughly at the same rates all over the world.” (Jenkins 1), This explains how brain development is not the issue because the teens kill at different ages, and for different reasons. Many teens seem normal, but they could be far from it, another statement Jenkins made was about a young man who was planning a murder, Jenkins stated “The offender was a serial killer in the making… He was not mentally disabled- In fact he was quite intelligent.” (2), This disproves the brain development argument many advocates utilize, as this teen was a normal healthy young individual. So if he did commit the murders, he should have faced life without parole, due to the fact that he was planning the murders, so he would most likely murder again and

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