Presented to Mme Champagne
December 16th 2013
École Secondaire Catholique Béatrice-Desloges
Elliane Loignon
Mme Champagne
December 15th 2013
Do examples of massive abuses of human rights still exist in modern day society? For many years, humans have been accomplishing countless amazing things. Many of which aided and helped society grow as one throughout the years. However, mankind is also capable of terrible things; murder, war, torture and slavery to name a few. In 1949, the UN (United Nations) created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It includes civil and political rights (the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy) and economic, social and cultural rights (the right to social security, health and education). This bill was adopted to prevent disasters from happening and all countries carry the main responsibility to obtain and uphold each …show more content…
People who are not subjected to these infringements should really appreciate what they have. Innumerable amounts of people are denied the right to life, speech, religion, equality and education education. These violations are career and/or life changing for the worse. It is true that one can see change and improvement in mankind 's respect for human rights, although, there is still a great deal of mending to be made. For one to be respected, one must also respect another. This is a value that should be universal. Countless people are oblivious to what human rights really are, therefore, they should be taught to everyone in their early age. What would have happened if Hitler respected the right to individuality? Where would the black population be today if racism never existed? Would women have greater roles in society if we were all treated