The “Psychology of Evil” intends to explain the transformations of human character, and the Lucifer Effect shows how it changes and forms the “me” in a group or an organization. According to Zimbardo, the three factors which are dispositional, situational and systemic that the “system creates the situation that corrupts the individuals, and the system is the legal, political, economic, cultural background.” In the other words, the system is the environment where we live, work and interact with others, and our behaviors will change in order to adapt and fit into that environment. According to Mead's theory, the “me” is considered as the socialized aspect of an individual and the “me” refers to attitudes, roles, meanings, pressure, behaviors and values of others which are organized into one’s self through the agency of role-taking. Children are the group who has significantly impact from others because we are born as a blank piece paper and children would become a moral or immoral people depend on who and where they live. If they live in a place where everyone behave wisely to other, they are more likely to become “angel” and if they live an environment where is full of drugs, crimes and killings, they are more likely to become “evils.” Similarity, adults, especially employees” are influenced by companies and their managers or bosses’ attitudes in order to adapt into the workplace environment. Take Enron as example again, by influencing of…
There are times in life when someone is told they are not good enough or that they will never complete their life long goals. Some of these people are submissive to what people say; others try to break their mold in society and overcome the societal oppression that they face. Throughout the course of the year, there was an exponential amount of different pieces of literature that surfaced to prove no matter what the odds are, people can still break the cycle and win against society.…
Have you ever noticed that certain people act and behave differently when they are with crowds versus when they are alone? Being in a large crowd can really impact individual to act in a certain way that they seem to fit in with the group and sometimes do things more anonymous as it is in a large crowd. Both Zimbardo and Le Bon believe that bystanders are less responsible and more likely to commit violence than when people are alone. Philip Zimbardo is a psychologist and a professor at Stanford University; he researches the cause of evil in people by doing a Stanford prison experiment. Zimbardo states about how evil can cause good people easily by the peers that they are surrounded by and the culture and traditional way changes can affect people…
Every decision made, will affect us, wether it’s in a negative or positive way. Everyone at some point in their lives will experience some form of peer pressure. Peer pressure is a very influential when we are making decisions. Peer pressure encourages other people to change the way they are or values to please those who are influencing us, which can be a group or an individual. In comparing and contrasting the essays “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell and “Group Minds” by Doris Lessing, the authors share homogeneous arguments, revealing the tendency for individuals to choose to comply to the majority of peoples beliefs against their own will. However,…
when preconceptions of how things should be in one’s world is released, it can provoke others to…
The Golem effect is when lower expectations are placed upon individuals either by the individuals themselves or others that can lead to poorer performances by the individual. Unlike the Pygmalion Effect it is important to note that the Golem Effect is more difficult to prove due to ethical standings that could potentially damage an individual’s self-worth. According to Dennis Reynolds “Researchers have consistently found that artificial boosting the expectations of an authority figure (teacher, instructor, and boss) regarding the potential of his/her charges, improves the performance of those subjects compared to the control group.”…
The main theme is humans can find it emotionally difficult to conform to society, but usually end up doing so. The meaning of this theme is that we all want to do things that are practical to society even if it feels wrong in our hearts.The main driving component which draws people too conformity are the desire to be accepted in certain status groups. People fear that if they do not conform to society, they will be breaking the social contract, therefore be rejected by society at not being able to achieve their personal goals. It is easier to do what is expected than following our minds and rebel. We chose this theme because we can all relate to it and is common in today’s society. Our identities are formed by us as individuals, but also by the world we live in and the other people who inhabit it. The media, our friends and our families all influence us in one way or another. For example, most of us follow the latest things or culture’s trends such as how to dress.This is important in most teens in our society because they don’t want to be judged and talked about in the general public. The media and the opinions of our peers are both things that we consider important. Even though most of us won’t admit it, we all want to belong. We want to be accepted by everybody, so to fulfill this desire we perform things that are against our will.…
One sunny morning in Cleveland, Ohio, a homeless man receives a gift of new shoes from an honorable stranger. Yet at the same time, a young man robs a bank, and an innocent woman is shot at random. Humanity has positive aspects, such as people doing righteous acts towards other human beings, but also sadly has negative aspects such as violence for little to no reason. The world seems to withhold more negative events rather than positive all throughout history. Therefore, mankind is inherently evil, but also has the capability to overcome through positivity.…
Social psychology can be defined as social influence. Such influence could impact the beliefs, values, behavior or feelings of others. People influence others or are influenced by them. Professional social psychologists study and conduct research and experiments to further understand the nature of this influence and to understand the human social behavior. Unlike professional social psychologists, armature social psychologists - and people as a whole – tend to think they comprehend, predict or speculate how people would act or behave as they overestimate their power of prediction; the hindsight bias. While in fact, their hypotheses of most basic and simple social experiences’ outcomes are wrong. Similarly, in the experiment where experimenters found that people tend to desire more the forbidden behavior after being severely threatened, while armature social psychologists thought they would, reasonably enough, that subjects wouldn’t engage in that forbidden behavior. Therefore, professional social psychologists can based upon evidence and detailed data taken from maintained and controlled experiment draw more precise conclusions and analysis of human social behavior and how influence contributed to that behavior. Social psychology showed with concrete evidence that people who act crazy are not necessarily crazy. People when put in intense situations and undergo social influence that might trigger an abnormal behavior were merely responding to that influence.…
There is a book that describes human nature and shows what happens when a group of boys are isolated and have everything taken away from them. They resort back to their true human nature. At first, the boys try and keep their normal routines and live according to what they used to do. But…
“Doing bad is easy but doing well is not”. Yes, that saying is the most concrete explanation why good people do bad things. Good people do bad things with good intentions. We, humans, are all sinful by nature. No one of us can behave perfectly and sinless. But we have the capacity to avoid temptations and to distinguish what’s right from wrong.…
“Why do good people suffer or why do bad things happen to good people?” This question seems to be very common these days. It seems as though good people get the brunt of all suffering, while evil-doers enjoy life. But if we observe closely, we see that everyone undergoes suffering in some form. Keeping this in mind, our question becomes meaningless. Just because a person is good does not mean there would be no suffering in his/her life. But what do we mean by „good‟? In Sanskrit, „sadhu‟ is the word used for a good person. Sadhu comes from the word „saadh‟, meaning „to accomplish‟. If we work for ourselves and achieve great things, there is nothing laudable about it, but if we help others to achieve their goals, then it is an accomplishment. If someone is good to you and you reciprocate, that is common courtesy. But if someone is harming you, and despite that you continue to wish that person well without expecting anything in return, it is real goodness. A sadhu bathing in the river saw a drowning insect. He saved it from drowning and was stung in return. Again, the insect fell back into the river and the sadhu pulled it out of the water and placed it under a shady tree. On seeing this, a person asked the sadhu, “Why did you do that?” He replied, “The insect did not give up its nature, so why should I?” How can we achieve this goodness in our lives? To reach any target, we must first have a goal. Similarly, for achieving goodness, we must have a standard of goodness which is known to us, because only then can we rise up to the required levels. As long as we see differences in the world around us, true goodness will not manifest. This can be achieved only when we become aware of our oneness with others. An example will illustrate this point better. Every organ of my body is part of one whole. If the finger goes into the eye, there is instant forgiveness, because of the complete identification with the finger. Now that we know what is good, let us see what suffering…
The following is the summary of the article Pygmalion in Management by J. Sterling Livingston in the July /August, 1969 Harvard Business Review. The manner in which managers handle their subordinates is mainly influenced by their expectation. Therefore, the article clearly points out that worker performance in a particular organization is directly related to the managers’ expectations .George Bernard Shaw in his famous play Pygmalion, the professor of phonetics confronts the challenge by changing the rowdy Cockney flower girl by the name Eliza Doolittle to surpass as a highly regarded member of upper-class society. “Pygmalion effect” largely functions through self-fulfilling prophecy, which negative or positive expectations regarding individual’s behavior, ability or performance that result in greater susceptibility for the behavior, ability or performance to manifest. Pygmalion effect allows employees to succeed in reaction to the manager’s message that they have the potential to succeed or are expected to succeed (Sterling, 2003).…
– Self-fulfilling prophecy (pygmalion effect): The lower or higher performance of employees reflects preconceived leader expectations about employee capabilities.…
As we go through pages, we’ll understand how our lives are being molded. Individuals pushed by self-discipline, others not and how it changes. Individual structure, its effect to society and norms.…