Race is problem. Our society tries to imagine that it is not, but our brains cannot resist the urge to compare people with the conventional images. Intelligent, dimwitted, bad drivers, psychotic, penniless, and so on. It is easy to distinguish yourself based on your race, but it’s even easier to pre-judge others. Race is identifying with culture, family or certain countries, it has nothing to do with potential, achievement or capability. Potential isn’t measured by color. Therefore, racism shouldn’t have any bounds to
Race is problem. Our society tries to imagine that it is not, but our brains cannot resist the urge to compare people with the conventional images. Intelligent, dimwitted, bad drivers, psychotic, penniless, and so on. It is easy to distinguish yourself based on your race, but it’s even easier to pre-judge others. Race is identifying with culture, family or certain countries, it has nothing to do with potential, achievement or capability. Potential isn’t measured by color. Therefore, racism shouldn’t have any bounds to