There are numerous examples to back my opinion. In august of 2014 the Islamic extremist group known as Isis seized thousands of properties from Christian residents. This should be a big deal but major news outlets such as ABC CBS and NBC didn’t provide its viewers with any information on this topic. In November of 2014 reporter Melissa Francis was effectively silenced by CNBC for criticizing Obamacare. She had stated that there were mathematical errors, rather than political problems, present that wouldn’t allow people to keep their own healthcare. This statement proved to be true as many Americans found there healthcare canceled. She was told that her statement was disrespecting the President. Again the news showed its bias by dedicating half an hour to the deflate gate scandal of the future super bowl winning New England Patriots while only a minute of the show to report that President Obama had released five major terrorists from Guantanamo Bay and placed them back into areas with extremist violence. This would seem is an effort to defer the public’s attention from a serious mistake by the President and bring more attention to something trivial like a few PSI missing from
There are numerous examples to back my opinion. In august of 2014 the Islamic extremist group known as Isis seized thousands of properties from Christian residents. This should be a big deal but major news outlets such as ABC CBS and NBC didn’t provide its viewers with any information on this topic. In November of 2014 reporter Melissa Francis was effectively silenced by CNBC for criticizing Obamacare. She had stated that there were mathematical errors, rather than political problems, present that wouldn’t allow people to keep their own healthcare. This statement proved to be true as many Americans found there healthcare canceled. She was told that her statement was disrespecting the President. Again the news showed its bias by dedicating half an hour to the deflate gate scandal of the future super bowl winning New England Patriots while only a minute of the show to report that President Obama had released five major terrorists from Guantanamo Bay and placed them back into areas with extremist violence. This would seem is an effort to defer the public’s attention from a serious mistake by the President and bring more attention to something trivial like a few PSI missing from