Language is a huge barrier when moving to a completely different country. When someone moves to a new country the first element that becomes difficult is making themselves understood and understanding others. They might have never heard anything like the language. In the start it becomes extremely difficult, in daily life you talk to people in the store with thank you and goodbye, you can just talk English if you know some of it but that wont be enough. …show more content…
In most countries people have common rules, say thank you, please and in general courtesy. Other things can be very different, for example eating, some villages in India might not have forks or knives they eat with, they eat with their hands and it is completely normal. In Norway we eat with cutlery and a couple of foods like taco gets eaten with hands but it might be seemed as rude to eat with hands. If people who aren’t used to cutlery eat with hands in public, that will highly give looks and stares unfortunately. Another example on such is in the same movie (Jeffcoat, 2007) There was a situation where there was confusion on how you eat the food. We can avoid such circumstances by learning what people do and how they do them, and accept that the way you do it might not feel right might not feel right for someone else. Maybe even try it out yourself one day to see how it …show more content…
If and individual clothing looks eccentric or bad-looking many people will feel the need to judge. Thousands get abused and ridiculed by the fact that they wear something that is comfortable and right for them. A Muslim woman might wear a dress and a hijab, for cultural or religious reasons and is comfortable with that fact, but many seem to have the wrong idea about them. They racially profile them due to the fact that the news, reports or blogs post information on subjects like ISIS, war in Iraq, how women are forced to wear it and are degraded in some sort of way. They have not been exposed to people who actually do wear such clothing, talk to them and learn about it. They choose to rely on the fact that everything showed online or on the TV is true and not the actual living human beings that are completely different from the what they are profiled. This counts on any kind of clothing that is seen as uncommon in the country. This can be avoided in just talking, learning and getting as much knowledge you can. Being considerate and understanding the fact that not all people want to wear the same things that you want to wear, and that various of clothing have a deeper meaning and importance.
In conclusion, when different people with different cultures meet each other there can be hardship. Rules, clothes and language are just a few stuff that can be troublesome. The same fact go over again in how these complications can be solved. Respect