Many colored people tried everything that they could just to get some stability in their life. They did sit ins, boycotts, strikes, etc. They just wanted to be treated the same they didnt want to be segregated by their color. So heres an example about something that the colored men did "On Feb. 1, 1960, four black college students, Joseph McNeil, Franklin McCain, David Richmond and Ezell Blair, sat down at a “whites-only” lunch counter at a Woolworth’s in Greensboro, N.C., and refused to leave after being denied service. Additional students joined them over the following weeks and months, and sit-in protests spread through North Carolina to other states in the South." They took a stand on what they believed in and what …show more content…
But other than Whites they wanted to be able to vote and not having the fear of something happeneing to them if they even got out just to do something very simple. Such as it says here the ku klux klan targeted many of thse things "A new version of the Ku Klux Klan arose during the early 1920s. Throughout this time period, immigration, fear of radicalism, and a revolution in morals and manners fanned anxiety in large parts of the country. Roman Catholics, Jews, African Americans, and foreigners were only the most obvious targets of the Klan's fear-mongering. Bootleggers and divorcees were also targets." (dh) The klu klux klan was really racist and targeted many people that they shouldnt have targeted or havent done