Gambling is getting more and more common in todays society. There are several shows on TV about poker each night and even more gambling related sites on the internet. These TV-shows and sites influenc young people and they might get stuck with gambling related issues for their entire life.
That’s why I’m going to argue against gambling and why gambling is a bad thing.
People have been gambling for hundreds of years, so it’s not a brand new thing. What is new though, is that gambling has reached its way to younger people and even children. This is what concerns me.
Underaged gambling is illegal. The law isn’t there to put young people off, it was made for a reason. If you’re underaged and start gambling you might …show more content…
Now, on the other hand, you try to make a living out of your gambling. At this stage almost all your money and savings, if you have any, will go to your gambling.
When you run out of money, which you eventually will, you might start selling stuff. If you’re young and perhaps don’t got many things to sell, you start owing people money. This is, in my opinion, the worst thing about gambling. When you have a debt and owe people money, they can control you and make you do stuff you never thought you were capable of doing.
Like I said before, if you owe people money and can’t pay off your debt, you might get involved in other criminal actions. Examples of things you might have to do is: stealing, dealing and perhaps even murder. If you refuse to do these things the people you owe money will most likely get rid of you, or someone you hold dear.
So gambling can also lead to more criminality.
This being said, I don’t think gambling is just negative, there are some good to it asvell.
To meet up with your mates on a friday night in order to play some poker and just hang out is deffinately not wrong. But you have to be careful so you don’t get hooked. Therefore you