Grammar is an essential skill in your academic life. According to Brock Haussamen, a professor of English …show more content…
In order to be a good writer, you need good grammar. According to the article Good Applicants with Bad Grammar “We cannot help associating “bad” grammar with low intelligence, sloppiness, and lack of refinement.” In other words, you are constantly being judged by the way you write. Douglas Rushkoff,the author of "Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age", states “An employee who can write properly is far more valuable than ones whose text is likely to create confusion.” Employers judge you by the effectiveness of your writing. Therefore, if you have good grammar, you are one step closer to having good writing which is a skill that will make a difference in your …show more content…
Many employers complain applicants cannot speak and write clearly. The article Why Johnny can't write, and why employers are mad states “Despite stubbornly high unemployment, many employers complain that they can't find qualified candidates.” Some say colleges are to blame for the lack of grammar. In a recent survey “80 percent of employers say colleges should focus more on written and oral communication”. Communication is a skill every employee will use every day, no matter the job. Employers are also saying “good writing suggest that the applicant is capable of thinking clearly and has a solid work ethic.” In the work field the ability to write and speak clearly is an essential