What Society Thinks I Am We as humans, mammals and or creatures all …show more content…
so I would much rather go into more detail with the roles I identify with and perceive as unique compared to others.
I Am A Musician
I came into my role as a musician, specifically a violinist, because of three things: my parents (and those around them) encouraged me to master an instrument as a way to socialized with peers, my family had enough disposable income to spare for the fees, and despite my limited mobility, I met the criteria of having long enough arms.
Why I Am A Musician?
Expounding on those reasons, in terms of life-span development, my parents’ encouragement according to Santrock (2015) is what is called a heredity-environment correlation, which implies that people’s genes can be associated with genetic tendencies. Of the three correlations described, my parents encouragement fall into the passive genotype-environment correlation that happens when one’s biological ancestors also provide a rearing environment (Scarr, 1993, as cited in Santrock, 2015). Society’s encouragement on the other hand, was mostly due to the Filipino culture; where culture defined as the behavior, patterns, beliefs, etc. of a group of persons passed through each generation. In this case, the belief that children, who learn instruments are more intelligent, eventually gain more opportunities in life, and will eventually be able to socialize and become, if not already, a part of the upper class (Santrock, …show more content…
I can pretty much still do most to all things everyone else can; I just have to do them in a different way or with some help.
Why I Am Differently Abled
I am differently abled because of prenatal development and Chromosomal and Gene-linked abnormalities, in my case, Spina Bifida. It just happened that both prenatal development and genetic abnormalities were in my favor. As one of the most common birth defects that is a result of the neural tube’s failure to close in a fetus; this also usually occurs in women who are have low folic acid, which is common in the Philippines, no matter the SES because technology and medicine there had not advanced as much as it did here in 1996 (Santrock, 2015).
I Am A