I already despise public speaking, but I can't stand it when I have to talk to crowds, which is my first topic. I hate speaking in front of crowds …show more content…
Well, a bit might be an exaggeration, I absolutely have stage fright and would rather die than speak to a bunch of random people who could, for all I know, throw tomatoes at me. Like I am fine when I have people up on stage with me and I am not the one speaking, but if I am, I will most likely lose my sanity within a second. I just get so scared and nervous talking in front of people and I know when I become nervous to. For some reason, the color of my hands starts to get a little darker and dark lines that almost look like veins start to slightly appear, I do not know if this is only me or if other people get it as well. I also have this like sudden rush of vibrations that rapidly go up through my spine and it causes me to shiver. I have no idea when I started to get stage fright, I do remember that I did not always have it though. In some of the younger grades like kinder garden and first grade, I used to always have a speaking part in most of our school plays. As far as I can recall, I had fun doing the speaking parts as well.
In conclusion, I can not stand public speaking because of all the crowds, the attention you get, and because of the excessive amount of stage fright I have. I could probably speak in front of a room filled with people I feel comfortable with, maybe an auditorium filled with people. Its just that I do not like speaking in front of people I do not know. Like, I could