
Why Is Alexander The Great

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Why Is Alexander The Great
Alexander the Great was not great for many reasons although, his title may suggest otherwise. At the age of 20, Alexander plotted to kill his father and his half brother to claim the throne of Macedonia and Greece. Once he took over, he destroyed the uprising in Thebes but, in the process, he slaughtered the citizens of Thebes. Slaughtering the citizens of his conquered cities was a common theme for Alexander III as he invaded Persia as well.

In order to gain access to his throne, Alexander plotted with his mother to assassinate his father and brother. His father had a few wives and Alexander was the child of the first wife so in order for Alexander to be king, he needed to remove his half brother and his father. Killing is wrong, and
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Alexander quickly marched his armies to Thebes and slaughtered the soldiers and population. Alexander frequently went to the extremes in his conquests but, slaughtering civilians who may not agree with the uprising or just happen to live there is wrong. By doing so, he forced his soldiers to kill their countrymen and also women and children. Some may argue that Alexander was securing his place at the throne, but the mass murder of Thebes was unfortunate and unnecessary.

Alexander deceived the people of Greece to attack Persia over a battle that took place over 150 years before. His’s motives for the invasion and conquering of Persia were personal and was not entirely necessary, he had a personal vendetta with Darius and pushed his men until they broke from exhaustion. Alexander was fueled by greed and a thirst for revenge, but his soldiers had no fuel, physical or mental, left after their battles through Persia. During the Persian conquest, Alexander killed many Persian soldiers who were defending their land. Once Alexander made it to Persepolis he razed it to the ground, and enslaved the civilians. Alexander claimed that the razing of Persepolis was revenge for the burning of the Acropolis of Athens in 480 B.C, 150 years earlier. Alexander is not Greek but he still burned Persepolis “for Athens”. Alexander wished for total destruction and embarrassment of

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