Although the truth-table proves that Craig’s argument is valid, his argument is unsound because he uses false premises. I want to discuss about the second premise ‘Objective moral values do exist’. What we generally mean by ‘Objective’ is not being influenced by opinions or feelings. Thus, objective moral values mean the moral values that are not affected by different opinions of individuals or societies. However, most of moral behaviors are strongly influenced by cultures or individual opinions. What is moral or immoral depends on the culture, on the person, and on the era. There is no objective moral values that are absolute. The exact same behavior can be morally wrong in one society but morally right in another. For example, 식인장례풍습 Except this example, there are lots of behaviors that are relativistic because they are individually or culturally based. The absolute answer of right or wrong is not set in stone. Therefore, there can’t be objective moral values in the world.
7. How might the author respond to your criticisms? …show more content…
Certain practices that are slightly related to moral values, such as customs of each country, may depend on each local moral value. However other practices that are related to human life or other important thing should be judged by objective moral standards. Although many other differences exist among cultures, some notorious practices, such as holocaust in Nazi society and apartheid in South Africa, cannot be justified despite the moral beliefs of those societies. Some practices are relative to the norms of each culture does not mean that all practices are relative. Certainly, there are behaviors that are always wrong or always