Its quite simple, for a basic patrolman. Intelligence and analysis can be used on the patrol level every shift. For example, a good proactive patrolman can frequent areas in which there is high traffic volume during the morning and afternoon rushes. The presence alone of a cruiser is enough to slow speeding motorist down, thus would lessen the amount of accidents in that given area. The same concept can be applied for an area in which is known for having vehicles broken into, one method in reducing the car breaks would be to have unmarked units with plain clothed officers in the area for 4 hour blocks at a time. Accompanied with having marked patrol units drive through the area to show they are
Its quite simple, for a basic patrolman. Intelligence and analysis can be used on the patrol level every shift. For example, a good proactive patrolman can frequent areas in which there is high traffic volume during the morning and afternoon rushes. The presence alone of a cruiser is enough to slow speeding motorist down, thus would lessen the amount of accidents in that given area. The same concept can be applied for an area in which is known for having vehicles broken into, one method in reducing the car breaks would be to have unmarked units with plain clothed officers in the area for 4 hour blocks at a time. Accompanied with having marked patrol units drive through the area to show they are