
Why Is It Important To Be Modest And Selfless Regarding Their Money And Class

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Why Is It Important To Be Modest And Selfless Regarding Their Money And Class
I believe one should be modest and selfless regarding their money and class in society.

Being a teenager and growing up surrounded by materialism and profanity causes many to focus on that which is not truly important, like wanting a new pair of shoes or a better car. In this society, a product’s price dictates its importance, and the ability to buy an expensive item demonstrates your “worth.”. Although we proudly display our expensive clothing and gadgets paid for by parents’ money, there is no true satisfaction in purchasing something of what you did not work for it. It is difficult to escape this judgmental world we live in, especially as a teenager. Without brand names and logos, we are ridiculed, but when we cover ourselves in them, we lose our identities. As teenagers, we present ourselves at school and on social media only to be told “You’re not good enough”. To compensate, we hide behind price tags. The higher the number, the more relevant you are.
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Many people dream of being rich and successful, and while this is not necessarily bad, it is how you implement that money in your daily life that defines you as a person. Working hard, long hours for your money is one thing, but when your goal is to spread your wealth amongst your peers is another. Ultimately, money should be used as a tool to connect with and improve the lives of others. As Maya Angelou once said “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Angelou understood the truth that evades this generation; that fame and money mean nothing if they are not backed by

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