
Why Is Julius Caesar Ambitious

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Why Is Julius Caesar Ambitious
Jacob Elkins
English 1
Mr. Welsh
J.C. Reflective Essay
Option #3
Brutus speech focused on how Caesar’s actions was ambitious and that the people should trust him because they trusted him before, Even though they have trusted him before doesn’t mean that they can trust him now because he has killed the person they adored Caesar. Brutus didn’t think ahead and because of this Marc Antony take advantage. “believe me for mine honour,/ and have respect to mine honour,/ that you may believe:” Brutus says this because he believe that they will trust him as we know the citizens of Rome can change sides in a heartbeat. (3.2 1547-1549)
“I thrice presented him a kingly crown,/Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?/Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;/And, sure, he is an honourable man.” The quote said by Marc Antony shows the effortless and sarcastic counter argument (3.2
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Marc Antony took the stage and won the crowd by first bringing out the body of Caesar and showing it to the crowd letting them see what the “honorable men” had done to their king that they cheered and celebrate for, and they now jeer and yell tyrant when his name is spoken. He also persuaded the crowd with “the will”, a paper that had the stamp of Caesar on it whether it was his will or not Brutus says that Caesar will give 75 Drachmas to every citizen and that lots of land will be given for public use; a deal that sound like a god’s gift to Rome, and that the senators killed him they will never get what the will promised. Thus the crowd riots and kills the innocent Cinna the poet for having the same name as the Cinna that killed Caesar. Brutus messed up and should of agreed with Cassius and kill Marc Antony because they have already ruined their reputation and honor killing Caesar and they could have persuaded the crowd to their

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