Mary Surratt’s court was not fair, not all information was presented in court. Stanton, the leader of the hunt for Lincoln’s killer and others involved, found a journal on John Wilkes Booth’s dead body. He didn’t show the information it contained at court which he later claimed was due to it not being important. He was so content on punishing all people involved in …show more content…
The article says “Booth also left behind evidence seemingly exculpating mary in the assassination plot.” Furthermore, the journal didn’t mention Mary. The last reason Mary Surratt wasn’t guilty was the list of Booth’s helpers. That list didn’t have anything about Mary Surratt, yet it did contain information about all other helpers. The untrustworthy conspirators gave up information about all others but Mary Surratt. Could Mary Surratt still be guilty, the people used as evidence were conspirators.
The people that were evidence were not trustworthy. One of these conspirators, Booth, said “In the presence of almighty god, I swear Mrs. Surratt is innocent of the crime charged against her.” Both the article and the book agree Powell was freely giving all information correctly and without flaw. We can conclude that Powell was telling the truth at this time, Powell was trustworthy when he said this. Mary Surratt was, as Powell said “innocent of the crime charged against her.” Powell is not the only person to claim Mary Surratt was innocent